At Woolston Brook the health and safety of our pupils is of paramount importance. Parents/carers send their children to school each day with the expectation that school provides a secure environment in which their child can flourish. Woolston Brook therefore has to ensure that this expectation becomes reality. In order to do this a wide range of measures are in place and our aim is to create a culture of vigilance.
Staff receive safeguarding training on a yearly basis and in updates throughout the year. The suite of safeguarding policies are available on the school network via OneDrive and staff read them on an annual basis. All Safeguarding incidents are recorded on CPOMS. Safeguarding is a standard agenda item on all meetings and in full staff meetings we inform staff of the latest information and guidance.
If staff have concerns with regards to the way their safeguarding concern is being handled, they can contact Children’s Social Care (01925 443400), or Children with Disabilities Team (01925 443400) or the Education Safeguarding Team (01925 442928).
Visiting professionals are informed of what to do if they have a safeguarding concern and are invited to appropriate training. School staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early, provide help and prevent concerns from escalating.
The Safeguarding Team meets regularly and comprises of all members of SLT and the Pastoral Support Manager and Pastoral Support Mentors. The Pastoral Support Manager produces a weekly summary of safeguarding concerns which is discussed by all the Safeguarding Team. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Woolston Brook is Cath Fowler and the Deputy DSLs are Leon Rowland, Stephanie Heaton, Annamarie Ellis, Lisa Seabrook, Claire Challinor, Tom Stockdale and Calvin Pasquill. The member of staff with overarching responsibility for child welfare at school is Cath Fowler (Headteacher). If Early Help is appropriate, the DSL will liaise with other agencies and set up an interagency assessment (Early Help Assessment). This is a supportive measure and the case will be kept under constant review and consideration, progressing to a referral to social care if the child’s situation does not appear to be improving.

If you are concerned that a child, young person or a vulnerable adult is at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect, or you yourself are a victim of abuse, you should report it straight away so that the appropriate services can take the necessary actions to prevent harm.
If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child or young person report them to: Children's Safeguarding/Social Work Team on 01925 443322, press option one followed by option one. Outside of office hours ring 01925 444400 and press option 2 to go through to the out of hours service.
If you believe a crime has been committed contact the police on 101.
If you believe the child is at immediate risk of harm dial 999.