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By AnnaMarie Ellis and Mark Cullen (28/2/25)

As we find ourselves hurtling towards the glorious Easter break, I am delighted to share some exciting news and activities lined up for the coming weeks. With only five weeks remaining until the much-anticipated holiday, there is a wealth of fun and engaging opportunities for everyone to partake in!

First and foremost, we are thrilled to announce the much-loved Easter Egg Hunt! This annual tradition is always a favourite among our students. Set to take place in the school grounds on the last day of term, participants will have the chance to scour the outdoor areas in search of beautifully hidden eggs. With each egg that is discovered, students will have the opportunity to win a variety of chocolate treats and other delightful surprises. We encourage everyone to join in on the fun and bring their best egg-finding skills!

Additionally, we are excited to launch our “Design Your Own Easter Egg” competition. This year, we invite students to unleash their creativity and showcase their artistic talents. Whether it’s through painting, drawing, or crafting, we encourage each participant to create an egg that represents their unique style. Entries will be displayed in a special exhibition, allowing everyone to admire the imaginative designs. Winners will receive fabulous prizes, so start brainstorming those designs and let your creativity shine!

We would also like to take a moment to highlight our KS2 attendance prize. We believe that consistent attendance is key to academic success and, in recognition of our dedicated students, we are offering an exciting reward: a pair of rugby tickets—one adult and one child. This is an excellent opportunity for families to enjoy a thrilling day out at a match, fostering a love for sports and teamwork. To be eligible, students must maintain excellent attendance over the coming weeks, so let’s make every effort to be present and engaged!

For our KS3 and KS4 students, we have something special just for you. We will be offering a £10 voucher as a reward for your ongoing commitment to your studies and attendance. This can be used for various options, including tuck shop treats, ensuring that you can indulge a little while also making the most of your hard work. Remember, this is not just a treat but a well-deserved reward for your dedication.

Speaking of the tuck shop, we are thrilled to announce our end-of-term celebration! On the last day of term, we will host a special tuck shop where students can spend their well-earned merits. We believe in encouraging our students to strive for excellence, so we will be awarding Bronze, Silver, and Gold merits leading up to this event. The more merits earned, the greater the purchasing power at the tuck shop! Let’s get earning and make the most of our achievements together.

As we approach the Easter holidays, let this time of celebration and activity serve as a reminder of the importance of community and togetherness. We encourage all parents to support and engage with these activities, creating joyful memories for our students.

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