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Careers In STEM



Big Build Competition

Centre Park Link have recently engaged with the Woolston Brook School to encourage more pupils to consider a career within construction. Since Engaging with the school; they wanted to participate in the Honor Goodsite competition to utilise the pupil’s artistic side as well as incorporating sustainability and reusing recycled materials.

Centre Park Link have recently engaged with the Woolston Brook School to encourage more pupils to consider a career within construction and engineering. Since Engaging with the school; they wanted to participate in the Honor Goodsite competition to utilise the pupil’s artistic side as well as incorporating sustainability and reusing recycled materials.

The Pupils have created miniature sculptures of green houses as in December the students will be creating a greenhouse out of recycled bottles that will be donated to Woolston School by a local recycling plant. The students are extremely artistic and enjoy growing their own fruit and vegetables, so the green house will be utilized to grow their own produce. The miniature sculptures where also created out of recycled materials. All the students worked in pairs to create multiple structure and designs. For the past three weeks the students have been designing their ideas before creating their preferred structure. Lollipop sticks, bubble wrap and plywood were used to complete their structures. The students have been working together to create three designs that would be sustainable for the school.


Creative & Digital Expo

In the autumn some pupils had the opportunity to attend a Creative and Digital Expo at The Pyramid in Warrington. During the initial presentation they got to hear from employers, colleges and also apprentices who explained the various industry career pathway opportunities.

In the autumn term some pupils had the opportunity to attend a Creative and Digital Expo at The Pyramid Arts Centre in Warrington. During the initial presentation they got to hear from employers, colleges and also apprentices who explained the various industry career pathway opportunities.

Following the speakers they met 20 employers and engaged with various interactive activities to gain further insights into the types of work in the Creative and digital sector. Activities included the use of VR to experience the surface of Mars and also they watched live world-wide hacking data from a Cyber Security Company. A Film making company gave them the chance to do the weather report on a green screen which they found interesting.

Apple iMovie Workshop

In November,  year 8 pupils attended an exciting, interactive ‘Making an IMovie Trailer’ workshop at the Apple Store in the Trafford Centre. In November, year 8 pupils attended an exciting, interactive ‘Making an IMovie Trailer’ workshop at the Apple Store in the Trafford Centre. During the workshop the pupils created a theme for a film and then used the store as a set for the trailer. The pupils utilised the iMacs for images and other apple products as props to create clips and then produced and edit using iMovie. To conclude the session the trailers were shown on the big screen in the store and each one looked professional. Their creativity impressed the lead trainers and the feedback from the sessions was fantastic. They’ve invited the school back to participate in a Music focused workshop using Garage Band in the New Year. The pupils really enjoyed the experience and it’s inspired some to investigate careers in the creative and digital sector.

Older Events

Big Bang North West 2019

The Movie! Big Bang North West 2019: 8000 Children Celebrate STEM! On the 2nd of July, The Big Bang North West hit The Exhibition Centre Liverpool. Big Bang North West 2019: 8000 Children Celebrate STEM! On the 2nd of July, The Big Bang North West hit The Exhibition Centre Liverpool.

Big Bang North West 2018