Coffee Morning
Woolston Brook school was proud to host a coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support and raised £179 on Friday 27th of September. In honor of the Rugby World Cup the theme was ‘Team Work Makes The Dream Work’. Tea, coffee, bacon butties and cakes were sold as well as a cake making competition.
Click the image on the left to read more.
BBC Children in Need
Pupils encouraged to support children in needs day by wearing their pj’s or own clothes. Pupils and staff each donated a £1 to the good cause. Cake sale at break time and dinner time raised additional funds for the cause.
Click the image on the left to read more.

Jeans for Genes Day
Staff and pupils were encouraged to wear jeans in support of ‘Jeans for Genes Day’ September 2020 . Pupils made a DNA structure during nurture time. We made £17 and last year we made £26.
Young Minds Day
The whole school and Governors supported young people’s mental health by wearing yellow and taking part in fun social activities.
Click the image on the left to read more.

Starlight Clothing Donation: brightening the lives of seriously and terminally ill children
‘Starlight supports seriously and terminally ill children across the UK by granting wishes-of-a-lifetime and by providing a variety of entertainment and distraction in and out of hospitals and hospices. A little fun and distraction can go a long way and help brighten even the darkest days’ (Source: Starlight leaflet).
The collection is on Friday 6th December. Please bring donations of clothes, shoes, bags and belts in a bag to the school office. We would like adults and children’s clothing, coats, paired shoes, underwear, bags and coats. We cannot recycle school uniforms, with or without logos, bedding or household textiles. Every tonne of clothing will raise £300 for the school.