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Maths All Years bannerKS2

Students that are working between a year 2 and year 4 level are prioritising the basics of mathematics. Using a mastery approach, students will use a concrete – pictorial – abstract model so they are able to ‘fill in the gaps’ of learning with confidence. We use a visual and hands-on learning style that allows students to explore mathematical concepts through great resources. Alongside this we are focusing on self esteem and confidence with maths as there is often previous anxieties relating to maths to overcome. Learning to learn is also a key component in the kst2 curriculum. 


The skills that students have learnt are utilised in a more secondary based curriculum, with specialist teachers for all subjects. The learning to learn and how to interact in a learning environment is built on to increase the capacity of the students to access a wider and more diverse curriculum. 
Specifically in maths, students use all of the skills from previous years, but begin to reason and problem solve as well. Students will be able to communicate why the concept works and how to use it effectively. They will also be able to apply their knowledge and skills to everyday problems including word problems. At this ability range, students will begin to look at the Entry Level work and assess their potential to gain qualifications. Our intent is to make sure every student has been given the opportunity to sit an entry level exam by the end of year 9. 


Combining the above skills and knowledge we support students to apply their knowledge to the real world. For example, being able to measure a room accurately for redecorating. We want all of our students to leave Woolston Brook able to do the functional skills of everyday life that involves mathematics. We also want them to leave confident enough with their mathematics skills so they are able to sit qualifications to support them with employment and/or further education. The suite of qualifications range from Entry Level Certificates and Functional Skills Entry level. This leads on to the option for a GCSE in Mathematics.